By making a booking with the brand Demi Tour Paris owned by the SASU Demi Tour, you agree to the terms and conditions below.
These terms and conditions apply to all our offers.
Demi Tour Paris reserves the right to change the routes and tours offered due to work, weather or other safety reasons.
It is forbidden to bring drinks and food on the Big Bike.
In case of final stop, Demi Tour Paris will not refund your tour and reserves the right to initiate a claim for compensation.
The sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited to minors, they must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian.
Alcohol will only be consumed on the bike.
Anyone who shows up drunk will not be able to access the bike and will not be reimbursed.
Demi Tour Paris asks participants to arrive 10 minutes before the departure time to avoid a late departure.
In case of delay, Demi Tour Paris reserves the right to modify the tour.
Any delay of more than, 10 minutes for the 30-minute tour, 20 minutes for the 1-hour tour, or 30 minutes for the 1-hour 30-minute tour, may result in a cancellation of your reservation and will not be refunded.
All prices published on the website are shown in euros, including all charges (including taxes).
All safety instructions will be established before departure in the presence of customers.
By participating in the tours offered by Demi Tour Paris, people fully assume the risk of being injured and/or injuring a third person during their use of the Big Bike, they also fully assume all risks associated with their use of the Big Bike of Demi Tour and waive any claim against Demi Tour, its operators, manufacturers and successors and/or assigns in the event of bodily injury, loss of material or material damage, including any negligent actions, breach of warranty, product liability or strict liability.
Each participant is responsible for his or her own behaviour and good conduct, including strict compliance with public order/safety laws throughout the tour.
The Driver/Driver of the Big Bike of Demi Tour will be present on all circuits.
He/she is responsible for the organisation and application of the Big Bike Regulation of Demi Tour and its decisions are final.
Each participant with inappropriate behaviour before, during and after the circuits will be asked to leave the Big Bike of Demi Tour.
These behaviours include, without limitation:
• Breach of public order/security laws
• rude remarks or gestures
• excessive noise
• inconvenience for Big Bike Cyclists
• disturbance of public order.
In case of serious transgression of the above, the Driver will immediately terminate the circuit and penalties of € 200 will be charged on the Tenant’s credit card.
All laws and public/safety rules concerning alcohol apply to all participants before and during the Half Tour circuits.
Each participant assumes full responsibility for these laws at its own risk.
The participants recognize that everyone on board must stay on the Big Bike for the duration of the tour.
Cancellation penalties of €100 may be charged to participants who do not return to the starting point.
Demi Tour declines all liability in the event of loss, damage, delay, inconvenience or direct or indirect loss, whatever the cause.
For security reasons, Demi Tour reserves the right to cancel a tour, in case of force majeure, or in case of bad weather on the day of the event and the tenant may reserve another slot within 30 days.
The entire payment must be paid at the time of booking.
- 100% if cancellation more than 15 days before your booking.
- 50% if cancelled between 7-14 days prior to booking.
- 0% if cancellation less than 7 days before booking.
Any delay of more than, 10 minutes for the 30-minute tour, 20 minutes for the 1-hour tour, or 30 minutes for the 1-hour 30-minute tour, may result in a cancellation of your reservation and will not be refunded.
The acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale by the customer is valid, except for express notice to Demi Tour, for authorization of reproduction and representation of photographs and videos in case of report or marketing action.
As a result, the customer authorises Demi Tour to broadcast the images taken during its activity.
The images may be used and used directly in all forms and all media known and unknown to date without any time limit (press, brochure, display, internet, social networks, flyers, etc.) for the promotion of activities.
The Customer acknowledges that he is fully satisfied with his rights and shall not be entitled to any remuneration for the exploitation of the rights referred to in this paragraph. The client agrees to pass on this information to the entire group he invites.
Participants can register their image rights by sending an email to at any time.
This site, accessible at the URL, is edited by Demi Tour, a company with a share capital of €2,000, registered with the R.C.S. de Nanterre under number 849 449 889.
The Site Publication Director is Julien K.
By email :
By phone : +33756973233
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